Chakra Part2

Chakra Part 2

The Seven Major Chakras
1. muladhara chakra: the root chakra
Sanskrit: Muladhara
Meaning: mula = root, adhara = support
 Meaning in humans: Grounding, balance, vitality, willpower, stability, courage, assertiveness.
Location: It is located at the lower end of the spine, the coccyx.
Color: Fire red
Element: Earth
Glands: Adrenal glands
Sense: Smell
Word: I have
 Gemstone(s): Hematite, Red Coral
 Planet: Mercury
 Animals: Elephant, Ox, Taurus
Characteristics: The root chakra represents vitality, connectedness to the earth (steadfastness) and to oneself (self-confidence). Our relationship to material things is located here.
Physical reference: The solid components of the body such as bones, spine, teeth and nails - but also blood, pelvic floor and intestines.
Blockages/disorders: Show up in existential fears, mistrust, listlessness and materialism. Physically, intestinal and bone disorders, weight problems, varicose veins as well as blood pressure fluctuations occur.
When activated: Strong life energy, self-confidence, earthiness (with both feet on the ground), assertiveness and good digestion are the reward.
This is how you strengthen the root chakra:
In everyday life: lots of exercise in the fresh air, walking barefoot, rhythmic music with drums, red clothes and flowers.
With yoga: anything that works the feet, knees, legs, pelvis and sacro-coccygeal area. Standing postures and forward bends.
Example: Paschimonttanasana
Through diet: protein grounds. If you feel weak and disoriented, a meat meal can help. Vegetarians reach for tofu, beans, nuts and dairy products. Caution: too much meat can make you sluggish.
With fragrances:clove, rosemary, ginger, vetiver, cypress, cedar.
2nd Svadisthana Chakra: The sacral chakra.
Sanskrit: Svadhisthana
Meaning: sweetness,
meaning on human: partnership, sexuality, creativity, desire, sensuality, fullness, joy of life.
Location: about a hand's width below the navel
Color: orange
Element: water
Glands: ovaries, testicles
Sense: taste
Word: I feel
Gemstones: Fire opal, moonstone, pearl
Planet: Venus
Animal: marine animals
Properties: Sacral chakra is about creativity, relationships, procreation, deep joy, desire and pleasure - just letting go and flowing with life.
Physical reference: all bodily fluids are influenced from here: blood, lymph, sweat, digestive juices, semen and urine, and tears. Hormonal control of ovaries, gonads and testes.
Blockages/disorders: Frigidity and impotence, as well as sex addictions, can be signs of an impaired sacral chakra. Physically, the disorder manifests as obesity (wanting to keep everything) or anorexia (not wanting to take anything). On an emotional level, loneliness, envy, jealousy and sadness are symptoms.
When activated: People with an active second chakra can relate to other people and opinions, have a vital sex life, are enthusiastic, creative and life-affirming.
This is how you strengthen the sacral chakra:
In everyday life: Seek contact with water: bathe a lot, swim, drink plenty of water and walk by the sea. Creative activities such as painting and orange furnishings have a supportive effect.
With yoga:All asanas that act on the pelvic area and the lower spine. Example: the pigeon
Through diet: fluids in the form of water, herbal teas and juices support the cleansing process. Therefore, drink at least two liters daily.
With fragrances: Ylang-ylang, sandalwood, myrrh, pepper, vanilla, bitter orange and orange.
3rd Manipura Chakra: The navel chakra.
Sanskrit: Manipura
Meaning: radiant jewel
Meaning regarding human being: self-worth, balanced emotions, good gut feeling, decision-making ability, inner independence, self-empowerment.
Location: navel to solar plexus (solar plexus), approximately at the level of the stomach
Color: Yellow - golden yellow
Element: Fire
Glands: Pancreas, Adrenal glands
Sense: Seeing
Word: I can
Gems: Amber, Tiger Eye
Planet: Mars
Animal: Aries
Characteristics: The navel chakra is the seat of our personality. From here the conscious goals and changes are caused by feelings and needs. The third chakra is considered the energy reserve of the body and is nourished by the fire of the solar plexus.
Physical reference: it nourishes the abdomen (organs), liver, stomach, gall bladder and autonomic nervous system.
Blockages/Disorders: A blockage manifests on the one hand in feelings of inferiority and lack of strength, and on the other hand in aggressiveness, outbursts of anger and obsession with power. Physically, it can manifest itself in the form of obesity and diabetes mellitus.
When activated: willpower, strong nerves, decisions from the gut, an inner feeling of happiness arises as well as the desire for one's own power (in a positive sense).
This is how you strengthen the navel chakra:
In everyday life: besides yellow flowers, deep abdominal breathing, soulful music, candlelight, fireplaces and short sunbaths help.
With yoga: twisting exercises and postures that affect the abdominal organs. Example: the twisting seat - Ardha Matsyendrasana.
Through diet: carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta) serve as energy food. It is best to go for whole grain products as the body absorbs them more slowly. Sugar acts as a stimulant and damages the third chakra in the long run. An addiction to sweets indicates an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra - which can also be the cause.
With fragrances: lavender, chamomile, lemon, anise, grapefruit, fennel.

4. anahata chakra: the heart chakra
Sanskrit: Anahata
Meaning: not stricken, undamaged
Meaning regarding people: Love, compassion, harmony, warmth of heart, reconciliation, peace, kindness, healing.
Location: Heart
Colors: Green and pink
Element: Air
Glands: Thymus gland
Sense: Haptic
Word: I love
Gemstones: Rose Quartz, Jade, Sapphire
Planet: Jupiter
Animal: Antelope, Dove
Characteristics: The center of love sits here. Devotion, selflessness, compassion, tolerance and healing are just a few of the assigned qualities. The heart chakra also perceives beauty in nature and art.
Physical reference: Supplies the heart, lungs and circulation. The immune system is strengthened via the thymus gland.
Blockages/Disorders: A blockage leads to lack of love and feeling - even coolness. This inner emptiness often leads to addictive behavior, whether alcohol, money or drugs. Physically, disorders manifest themselves in heart disease, asthma and allergies.
When activated: With a developed fourth chakra, you take people as they are - you simply love and can take responsibility for others with much warmth of heart.
This is how you strengthen the heart chakra:
In everyday life: wear green and pink clothes, often spend time in green nature, pamper yourself, but also take care of other living beings.
With yoga: backbends and exercises for the cardiovascular system. Example: sun salutation or cobra
Through nutrition:It is said that vegetables contain both the life energy of the sun (fire) and the best of earth, air and water. Since the heart chakra is the color green, abundant spinach, peas, cucumber and lettuce help.
With fragrances: rose, jasmine, tarragon, cardamom.
5th Vishuddha Chakra: The throat or larynx chakra.
Sanskrit: Vishuddha
Meaning: purification
Meaning regarding people: Expressiveness, creativity, easy learning, implementation of ideas, clear communication, friendliness, openness.
Location: throat/larynx
Color: Light blue
Element: Sound
Glands: thyroid gland, parathyroid glands
Sense: Hearing
Word: I speak
Gemstones: topaz, aquamarine, opal
Planet: Saturn
Animal: white elephant
Characteristics: The Vishuddha Chakra is called the center of communication and is considered the seat of truth. To this end, it expresses our thoughts and feelings, helps in the perception of the inner voice and is the gateway to higher levels of consciousness.
Physical connection: it connects to the spinal cord, thyroid gland and upper lungs, bronchi and esophagus. The chakra also energetically charges the vocal cords.
Blockages/Disorders: Difficulty expressing ideas, opinions and ideas in words. Speechlessness, shyness and fear of coming out of one's shell. Tonsillitis, hoarseness and problems with the thyroid gland are possible consequences.
When activated: Strong communication skills - not in the form of superficial chatter, but as the ability to make oneself understood to others and to consciously choose words (truthfulness). Also a beautiful voice and musicality.
This is how you strengthen the throat chakra:
In everyday life: singing and writing regularly, listening to music. Integrate the color light blue into your life.
With yoga: backbends and reverse postures. Example: shoulder stand sarangasana .
Through nutrition: Ripe fruit contains many vitamins, minerals and natural fructose. It passes through the digestive system the fastest of all solid foods and causes little work for the body, allowing much energy to rise to the upper chakras.
With fragrances: eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint, Roman mint, manuka.
6th Ajna Chakra: The forehead chakra - third eye.
Sanskrit: Ajna
Meaning: perceive, command
Meaning regarding people: Knowledge, wisdom, insight, intuition, confidence, consciousness, imagination.
Location: center of the head, between the eyebrows
Color: indigo blue
Element: Light
Glands: Pituitary gland
Sense: Vision, intuition
Word: I see
Gems: lapis lazuli, topaz
Planet: Uranus
Characteristics: The third eye is considered the place of intuition and is the seat of the spirit and mind. Visualization power is attributed to the chakra, as well as extrasensory perception, intuition, insight, development of the inner senses and mind power.
Physical reference: the face with eyes, nose and ears plus cerebellum.
Blockages/Disorders: If the third eye is blocked, worries, fears, nightmares and stress often spread - plans for the future are difficult. Consequence: Headaches, ringing in the ears and low moods.
When activated: good memory, lots of imagination, mental clarity and intuitive knowledge. Development of the so-called sixth sense.
How to strengthen the brow chakra:
In everyday life: write down dreams, read fairy tales and fables for a change. Instead of black, go out of the house in blue clothes.
With yoga: eye exercises and meditations on the third eye.
With diet: For this and also for the seventh chakra, it is not really possible to give dietary recommendations, since they do not have to do with physical but with mental states. Thus, fasting corresponds most closely to the two upper chakras.
With fragrances: jasmine, mint, lemongrass, violet, incense, basil.

7th Sahasrara Chakra: The crown chakra.
Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Meaning: thousand-petaled, thousand-fold
Meaning with regard to people: spirituality, being uplifted, connection to the divine, silence, meaning of life, perfection, peace.
Position: highest point of the head
Color: violet to white
Element: Thought
Glands: pineal gland (pineal gland of the brain)
Sense: Empathy
Word: I know
Gems: Amethyst, Diamond, Rock Crystal
Planet: Neptune
Animal: Snake
Characteristics: The crown chakra is the gateway to the universe and the chakra of supreme knowledge: trust in God, spirituality, freedom, accomplishment, and - not to be forgotten - humility before the universal greater.
Physical reference: except for the pineal gland, it is not associated with any single organ, but has a protective effect on the whole body. The chakra has a great influence on the sleep-wake rhythm.
Blockages/Disorders: Inner emptiness, dissatisfaction and mental exhaustion as harbingers of a life crisis, feelings of deficiency. Physically, a blockage manifests itself in an immune deficiency as well as in problems falling asleep and sleeping through the night.
When activated: self-realization, spiritual understanding. Deep inner peace - in harmony with oneself and the world. Healing up to enlightenment.
How to strengthen the crown chakra:
In everyday life: seek expansive views, such as climbing a mountain and bowing to the Self and to other living beings.
With yoga: Chanting the mantra "Om," the cosmic sound.
Through diet: fasting
With fragrances: Incense, rosewood, neroli.

That's it from me today, next time
Chakra, their forms+meanings of the colors.
that was it from me
your Soey

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